Thursday, June 3, 2010

Winner & Handing out some Awards!!

Mommy’s Theories first ever giveaway has a winner. The winner of 10 Kid’s songs from the lovely
issss…………*drum rollllll*
Comment number 9…… Let’s see that was…
Bridgette of the fabulous Grochen Goblin’s.
Congrats Bridgette!!!

On to some other buzzziness to take care of The AWARDS!!!

So I’m a little behind on doing these. Plus being in this ball gown and standing on the red carpet has really taken a toll on me. Don’t even get me started on my lack of an acceptance speech. HA HA ok so I’ve said my Thanks already to them both but here they are.

I received this one from the fabulous Ashley at Mommy & Son. Thank you Thank you!! *bowing gracefully*


The other Award I received was from Amy at The Wayland Springs Cook. *bowing and getting dizzy (too much time with head lowered and on these heels UGH)*


So hop on over to these two and check them out!! They are both awesome ladies and I always love what they have to say.

So on to the rules--

The Versatile Blogger -
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

The Creative Writer -
Thank the person who gave this to you.
Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
Link to the person who nominated you.
Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth – or – switch it around and tell six outrageous truths and one outrageous lie.
Nominate seven “Creative Writers” who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them or contact them in some way.

So here I am breaking bending the rules a bit. I should do them separate but what fun would that be for me. So I will do a twist and do the seven things about me together. (Maybe a couple more) Some will be truth others may be a lie stretching a bit. If you know me at all you will be able to tell I’m very sure.
  1. I am an awesome cook.
  2. My girls make everyday a blessed adventure.
  3. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
  4. My closet is 98% black, brown, and blue jeans.
  5. Everyday I’m up and dressed before 8 am.
  6. I’m on my second marriage at 26.
  7. I’m struggling with the fact I may not be able to have my own children.
So can you tell the truth from the lie’s?

I’ve chosen 15 bloggers in no particular order at all. It was so hard for me to divide them let alone decide them. I figure I’d pick 15 and they can choose to take both awards, or only one. Hopefully there won’t be any fighting or bloodshed ‘cuz I don’t have the energy to clean up the mess. Please use your manners and be civil, mmmkay??

So it’s free for the taking ladies, HAVE AT IT!!!


So here they are!!! Take a visit by their site and let ‘em know ya saw them here.

The Scoop on Poop -
Two little Monkeys plus hubby -
Tiaras and Tantrums -
Things I can't say -
The Purse Blogger -
Hearts Make Families -
Welcome to Laurieville! Population 1 -
The One and Only Oka -
Harriet and Friends -
A Daily scoop of chaos -
Jayaycee Blog -
Mommy & Son -
The Tater Twins -
Crazy Daze & Nite Dreams -
The Wayland Springs Cook -

(And Ladies if you see this before I’ve had a chance to tell you that you rock, please forgive me. I’ve been up with a sick kid all night and it’s 3 am. I will be around to let ya know soon. PROMISE!!)
HUGS and Best Wishes!!


Shell said...

Are you really up and dressed by 8? I try to do this by 9, but some days, it doesn't work!

Thanks for the mention!

jayayceeblog said...

Thanks, Mama Sammi! I recently received the Versatile Blogger award
but I am completely in love with the Creative Writer award and will give it my best shot in the next few days and let you know.

Hope your little one feels better fast and you get to catch up on your sleep!!!

tiarastantrums said...

thanks sweet girl!

Daisygirl said...

Thanks for the award girl! I have not seen this one yet!

I love so many of those blogs you nominated!!!

I am an awesome cook too....not! Your closet sounds like mine...not sure if its 100% true of you but it totally sounds like mine!

I am grabbing your button too ;)
Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

For me? I'm so excited! Thank you girl! :D

The Drama Mama said...

yAY!! Thank you!!! I've recently received the Versatile Blogger award and passed it along, so while I am pleased to accept it from you as well (2 awards, you seriously rock!!) I am going to pass on the Creative Writer award. Thank you!!! Thank you, thank you!

I couldn't tell you which one is the truth and which one is the lie. I guess I will have to find out more about you!

CountessLaurie said...

Thank you! Thank you! (blowing kisses and elbowing you off the red carpet :-) I will work on my acceptance speech!!

Also, I feel under pressure here to say which one of those is a lie... I CAN'T HANDLE THIS KIND OF PRESSURE!!!!!!

(off to find an icey diet coke...)

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! You made my day even better. I am on a roll today. Lets keep it going for the next few atleast. lol.

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