Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ultimate Blog "after" Par-Taaayyy

I had so much fun jumping from blog to blog this year at the UBP10!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

It was my first, and I'm soooo not finished. I plan on visiting as many as I can.

I wanted to show you three bloggers I've found so far from the list that have me coming back.

The Groschen Goblins

She is gonna keep my purse empty :)

She keeps me laughing :)

and last but not least
Welcome To Laurieville! Population 1.

'cuz she keeps me smiling!!

I'm sure I'll find many more that I love and I will be sure to pass them on too. Go check them out...tell them I sent ya too. Go on now go play!!!


Kimberly Job said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now a follower of yours and look forward to getting to know you.

Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy said...

I need to finish making the rounds too! So many great blogs, so little time *sigh* :)

CountessLaurie said...

Heeey Heeey! How did I miss this? THANKS FOR THE LOVE, MAMMA!!

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