Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post it Note Tuesday – Rocks and Apples!!

Come join the fun!!! What a blast every week for the hottest, most hip, and happening Meme there is!!! ( ok now that I’ve inflated Supah’s head some more JK JK) Jump on over to her site and join in the fun. All  you have to do is click on her pretty post it below. All the rules, (there isn’t any that I know of) and how-to’s are there.
supah postit

Oh and I'm participating in Follow me back Tuesday

BWS tips  button



Unknown said...

Ohhh my goodness, ouch. My second oldest daughter had a milk allergy for the first 3 years of her life and finally she outgrew it by age 4 but i have already noticed her teeth look different than my other daughters. The dentist said it was because of lack of calcium :-( I felt like a bad momma

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sucks! You know, when I was preggers with my first, my teeth all of a sudden got so bad that I broke one eating a tortilla! At least an apple is kind of hard! ;-)

ClevelandPoet said...

I will drink my lunch in your honor today!

yeah whiskey time!

Anonymous said...

I never had an apple break a tooth just my aways on the go 5 yo son break my nose several times. I hate the power rangers really bad!!!

jayayceeblog said...

Oh, you poor thing. That sounds awful! I have had Go to the Dentist on my to do list for months now. Every tine I think about making the appointment, I come up with something else I need to do first. I hear you can lose weight on a liquid diet -- I'd probably drink milk shakes and screw that up!

cfoxes33 said...

Sorry your teeth are causing problems. The drugs seem to be keeping your spirits up!

Nancy E said...

Bummer on the tooth - I am not a dentist fan myself.... lots of silver! Oh well. So get a vitamix - that is my tip o the day for you! LOVE apples pureed in the vitamix and will solve your issue. Well good luck with that tooth! Stoppin by off twitter & Supah's ! :) follow me @nanskimtn or http://nanskimtn.blogspot.com/2010/05/post-it-tuesday_25.html

Oka said...

OWE, hope it's all fixed up soon.

Elizabeth said...

Following you from Following Me Back Tuesday- please follow me back :)and be sure to enter my giveaway while you're there.


Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

OMG! You poor thing. I hope it all works out well for you. Anyhoo, just wanted to let you know that Pinky Has a Brain is following you from Follow Back Tuesdays! You can follow me back at www.pinkyhasabrain.com

Evelyn said...

Happy Tuesday! Thanks for the stop by today!
Gotta love MI weather and the slip and slide! (HEHE)

Love your post it notes today!

Shell said...

Aaaaahhh! Don't bite! You might hurt your teeth!

Following from FMBT!

CountessLaurie said...

ugh! hope time flies for ya!!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I saw your button on your comment from another blog and had to stop by. I started out with this layout, so darn cute! Now I miss it.

Is this what my daughters have to look forward to? They both have dairy allergies, no milk. I do give them supplements, hopefully that will help them. I hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower from FMBT. Also following on Networked Blogs. Please drop by my blog and follow me back.

Have a great week,

Anonymous said...

My bad!!! I got so caught up in your post about your tooth that I forgot to join after posting my comment. Thanks for the follow.

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