Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cutest Pet contest

So I’m entering into Toothsoap’s Cutest Pet Contest!

I think this is the best thing ever!! (or just another reason for me to show you my other babies LOL) You can enter too by clicking on the links to the host's at the bottom of this post. (that way you have to see my pics before you go LOL) You can check out Toothsoap by clickin this pic here or its on my side bar too!!!

Here is my baby!
(atleast that is what the hubby says because she is a puppy and still likes to misbehave)

This is our princess. Oh wait no her name is Dutchess, but she is a princess.

Isn’t she adorable with her little bandanna too??

I think she looks like she belongs on them cute greeting cards with the big head bug eye animals LMBO!!


Here is our old lady… I mean other baby Daisey
daisy sleeping
She loves the hubby’s chair. She will refuse to move when he tells her to get down. Old ladies don’t move like they used to right? (she's pushing 100 in dog years)

He will have to tell her over and over again and most the time, he gives up LOL. (Goes to show you the women rule this house bwah ha ha ha )

Hope you enjoyed!! Hop on over to Chiefs or Supah’s Or Shell’s and Link up your pic!! You could win the pet pack from Toothsoap.



Joy@TPMG said...

What cuties. I love the bandana.

Anonymous said...

I love your dogs. I bet the are spoiled just like mine. I also entered. Thanks

Chief said...

AW the old lady needs a chair to rest her weary bones<---wait, I say the same things to my kids to get them to move!

Such cuties!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

HOLY MOLY are they cute!! Sweet old lady---- i love her. I bet she's toasty warm .

Shell said...

Aw, she does belong on one of those cards!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so cute.

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